Calanus Plankton Extract

Calanus Plankton Extract

Highly effective liquid appetite enhancer, straight from the Antarctic Ocean! This product is rated higher by many "carp specialists" due to its solubility and digestibility than the well-known (since discontinued) Krill hydro and the previous L-zero-30 products. This liquid will cloud the water surrounding the bait when used as a soak. Made from pure fresh plankton with enzymatic hydrolysis, without additives or preservatives. It is very rich in water-soluble omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and natural antioxidants. It is a medium-thick liquid with a fairly liquid texture, light brown color, a very strong amino acid smell, and a unique sea salt taste. Pva friendly! It is a natural product, so there is no limit to its use! The more we use it, the more attractive it is to carp. It can be used all year round at any water temperature, even in winter!

- In boils: 10-100 ml/kg
- Feed material / pellets / spodmix; 30 - 50 ml / kg
- Also excellent for soaking!

Price: 4,81 €

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